Sunday, July 11, 2010

Update on my pony family


With a houseful of ponies (okay, a back yard full), I thought I’d update you on the horsie family here at Heaven’s Half Acre.

Yesterday, I rode Honey on a ranger patrol around Lake Poway. She is the rescued Icelandic mare I brought home in early March. I didn’t know what I was getting when I took her, I just knew she was an older horse who needed a home. I am very lucky- she is rideable, no arthritis, and in good health.

She is also the sweetest little horse, very loving and loves attention. She now has a hot pink halter and saddle pad. She’s really the girly girl of the household. She recently hosted my friend Kiyomi for a pony ride and cuddle session (see photo).

I named her Honey because she was a rich golden palomino. Now she has shed out her winter coat and she is a dark chocolate color- with whipped cream on top!

Formerly named Rod Stewart, this Shetland pony arrived about 6 weeks ago. He was one of 18 neglected Shetlands, all stallions and pregnant mares, who were seized by Animal Control in LA County. He has fattened up nicely, is learning to be handled, and has been gelded and had his feet trimmed.

I take Sherlock for a walk several evenings a week, and he attracts lots of attention from the neighborhood kids. I have started clicker training him and he loves it. He looks forward to his nightly training sessions and is eager to play the game.

My friend Saskia and I have been working with Star to get him used to trailering and ponying. We kind of stalled when school got out, but he loads better now. His ground manners have always been good, but because he doesn’t go out at all, he is very spooky out in the world. He has always been willing but uncoordinated, since he had a back injury sometime in his past. His coordination has improved, and I hope to start getting him out in public more. I want to be able to handle him if I have to evacuate from fires again.

Ari and Star got their teeth floated, which means the vet filed down the sharp points on their teeth, making it easier for them to chew their food. It’s quite a process, and they have to be sedated for the procedure. Ari, my main riding horse, continues to be the perfect horse, and he looks like a Clydesdale next to the two new ones!

34761_459246470448_115253255448_6391873_4754322_nLittle Red
Little Red has been at the J F Shea Center in San Juan Capistrano for two and a half years now, working as a therapeutic riding pony. They love him there and he is thriving. Recently a school class in Saddleback Valley sponsored his care for a year. I’m so proud of my pony!

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