Friday, October 17, 2008

Mallika won't have any dialogues in 'Hisss'


Mallika Sherawat has often played the blabber-mouthed girl-next- door roles. However in her forthcoming film, Jennifer Lynch's Hisss, she won't have any dialogues. Mallika who plays a snake woman, will express her emotions and feelings through body language and expressions.

Confirming this, director Jennifer Lynch says, "Mallika is a snake so how is she expected to talk? She doesn't know the human language. The world of words and sentences is unknown to her. As a snake, she has other senses with which she communicates.

Even when she transforms from her snake from to the human one, she doesn't speak. Mallika kind of freaked out when she was told that she had no lines. As an actress, she is used to convey her emotions and expressions through dialogues."

A source reveals that this is Mallika's most challenging role to date. "It's not just mentally exhausting but also physically. She has to forget that she's human when she takes the snake form. Her body movements and expressions change. Her make-up takes about five hours to be put on and she has to wear contact lenses which resemble a snakes eyes all day, which is quite a painful ordeal."

When asked how Mallika is coping with these requirements, Jennifer says, "She is a sport and is doing everything possible in her capacity to make this role her best. She realises it's a big challenge but is fully determined to go all out to bring it alive on screen."
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