Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ecosystem Restoration in Indonesia, Effective Ways of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation Forest Production

JAKARTA, INDONESIA BIRD-Ecosystem Restoration has been regarded as an effective way of reducing emissions from deforestation in natural forest production. Through ecosystem restoration projects in production forests, the natural forest has been degraded can be given a chance to recover, remain a natural forest, and deforestation can be avoided. This at least suggests the time of the Ecosystem Restoration Program reception at Harapan Rainforest organized by the Ministry of Forestry and PT Indonesian Ecosystem Restoration (Harapan Rainforest) at Hotel Mulia Jakarta, on Friday night, June 18, 2010.

Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan convey, "Currently there are no other options for Indonesia unless the restoration of forest through activities such as tree planting and maintenance, rehabilitation and restoration of natural forest ecosystems in production." Forestry Minister to open vast opportunities for license restoration, which permit utilization and restoration of natural forest ecosystems in the area logged. Priority restoration is the primary forests of Sumatra are high levels of biodiversity. "Restoration of this year must be at least 300,000 hectares (ha). We expect applicants for serious restoration work plan clear. Do not just ask, and then abandoned their forests, "Zulkifli said in a speech at the reception.

Ecosystem Restoration Through the national policy, two provinces in Sumatra Island of South Sumatra and Jambi, has initiated efforts to save natural forests to national and global interests with the forest ecosystem restoration projects in Indonesia's first production. Ecosystem restoration area named Harapan Rainforest is the innovation of sustainable forest management and a hope for efforts to preserve natural lowland forest in Sumatra.

One of the priority of the Ministry of Forestry 2009-2014 program is to increase productivity and production of natural forest management, one of which is done by the issuance of business permits timber forest product utilization through ecosystem restoration in the logged forest or logs over an area of 2.5 million ha. The program also will support other policy priorities such as biodiversity conservation, community development around forests, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Ecosystem restoration initiative in the provinces need to set an example that a good national policy can be a stimulus for strategic development of forest management at the local level. This initiative is an Indonesian initiative supported by various parties. Executive Head, Harapan Rainforest, Cahyadin Yusuf said, "Restoring the natural forest ecosystems is of paramount importance to proceed, especially in connection with efforts to reduce emissions from the forestry sector."

The Government is committed to reducing national emissions by 26% by 2020 through various program priorities, especially in the Ministry of Forestry, including mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the forestry sector. Restoration of ecosystems is an important part that can contribute in reducing emissions from the forestry sector.

Indonesian Bird appreciated the efforts to restore natural forest ecosystems through restoration Harapan Rainforest is made possible with support from the Ministry of Forestry, through policies that favor the recovery of natural forest. Therefore, "Bird Indonesia will continue its efforts to restore natural forests in the area of production forests through restoration of ecosystems," as presented by the Managing Director of Bird Indonesian, Agus Budi Utomo. Indonesian Bird also called for continuing work on the restoration of natural forest ecosystems to the wider region, especially in the Wallacea region or the eastern part of Indonesia, such as Pohuwato District, Gorontalo province on Sulawesi island, which has a unique and important diversity in the functioning of production forests.

Harapan Rainforest, which are in the province of South Sumatra and Jambi is the first initiative of ecosystem restoration efforts in Indonesia, which aims to create a brighter future for forests, biodiversity, and human communities by linking local, national conservation organizations and government; protection, restoration and ensure sustainability of the 100,000 hectares of lowland rain forest habitat in Sumatra, and provides a model of restoration to assist and encourage similar initiatives in Indonesia and elsewhere.

Bird-member consortium BirdLife Indonesia, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and BirdLife International, managing through PT Harapan Rainforest Ecosystem Restoration Indonesia (Reki). Harapan Rainforest management rights to have been granted for 100 years to PT Reki / BirdLife Consortium. (Bird Indonesia / Fahrul Amama)