Every pet portrait artist I know gets hit up by rescue groups all over the United States, asking for donated art that will be auctioned to help fund the care of homeless animals. Back in the early years of my pet portrait career, I would donate a custom portrait in colored pencil, created from the donor’s photos.
I don’t have the time to do that anymore. But I have continued to donate art prints, notecards, ceramic tiles, and other products made from my art. I have also donated my book, Basset Hounds, Your Happy Healthy Pet, to Basset rescue groups.
I have had to cut way back on my donations for several reasons. First, the amount of requests, though worthy, is overwhelming. Second, I have to pay postage to send all these things, and it gets really pricey. Two years ago, I spent $500 in one year sending out donated artwork. Yes, it is usually tax deductible, but it is still out-of-pocket expense I can’t afford. Like most artists, I don’t make enough money to support myself from my art. Yes, we are starving. Maybe someone should donate to us!
And last, but not least by a long shot, I have never gotten one thing back from all these donations. Fundraising people always say “it is wonderful exposure for your art, like free advertising.” I never get new clients or commissions. A recent discussion on the Canine Art Guild group list revealed nobody else ever has either. So if we donate, we do it out of the goodness of our hearts, our love for animals, and our desire to help. And I am happy to do that. To a point…
What gets to me is the many donations where I have never gotten any acknowledgement back from the organization I donated to. No receipt, no thank you, no “this is how much we made.” If you can’t be bothered, neither can I.
I recently got a downright insulting request for a donation. The caller wanted me to donate a portrait. I said I don’t donate portraits, but I would donate a couple of prints. She replied, “Well, can’t you just do something small and simple, like with just five pencils or something that won’t take as long?” Right, but I’ll only draw with one finger…
Later she called about getting the prints delivered to her (obviously wasn’t going to the trouble of picking them up). She referred to them as “copies.” Like a xerox? My prints are signed and numbered limited edition lithographic prints with a certificate of authenticity. I donated the prints, and have as yet received no acknowledgement or thank you.
I won’t be donating to that organization again.

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