Thursday, August 5, 2010

6 unique food in the world.

If you do travel, you often want to try and find something unusual from a different culture in the country you are visiting. One of the best ways to do this is to try to eat the native food. Their tastes and we may differ, but the following foods, which may be considered strange for some of us, but would be considered a delicacy in other countries. Although these foods may seem like a form of 'extreme food' to us, but the food is very normal to eat these foods for the home country of origin.


Well, if it's food that has been frequently heard and there may be some of you are thinking, how edible bird's nest? Is not the bird's nest made of twigs and leaves? Oh no, this bird's nest made from bird saliva swallow. Swiftlet saliva is believed to be nutritious, lots of protein and minerals. This food is very expensive. Expensive because of a swallow's nest during the season kimpoi built during the 35 days and the nest can only be harvested at about three times a year. Nests are usually built in the coastal caves and collect the nest is a dangerous process that must be performed by an expert climber. In China, Swallow bird's nest soup is very famous. Food is often called the "caviar of the East".

2. FRIED Tarantula - CAMBODIA

If you suffer from Arachnophobia you may not want to try eating these eight-legged monster. They're not the kind of small spiders can be found in the ceiling of your home, they are a big tarantula and you can buy it in the streets Skuon, Cambodia. Whole fried tarantula - legs, fangs and all. They were first discovered by the people who suffer from hunger in Cambodia in a bloody incident by the Khmer Rouge. But now many tourists who come from afar to try this unusual food.

3. Puffer fish / fish Fugu / Pufferfishes - JAPAN

This is often called puffer fish Fish (West), Fugu Fish (Japan), or here is famous for durian bloated fish or fish if the fish are being disturbed, it will inflate its body is full of thorns - thorns. Spines of this fish is very deadly, so that you have to be careful if it does not want to end up in the morgue.

This fish is famous in Japan, although the highest enjoyment of the skin and the inside contains a toxin poisonous todrotoxin, which is 1250 times more powerful than cyanide. That is why in Japan only a licensed expert chef in a restaurant is allowed to prepare it. If not, you will become paralyzed while still conscious and ultimately died because of shortness of breath because there is no known antidote. You need to know that there lLima twelve people died in Thailand when it was created and cooked fish illegally and people start dying and then dead.

4. Balut - FILIPINA.

If you want to try this food, you will eat chicken and eggs at the same time. Boiled fertilized eggs before they hatch, so that the yolk seeping out, followed by fetal chicken (or duck). They are cooked when a fetus aged 17 days to 21 days depending on your request, the older the fetus, the fetus begins to have a beak, claws, bones and feathers. In the culture of the Philippines, Balut almost as popular as hot dogs in America and Balut traders would shout 'Baluuuuuuut' when they push their carts in the street. Balut is believed to increase libido and also a warm, full-protein snack. Balut is usually eaten with beer and with a little salt, lemon juice, black pepper and coriander, although some Balut eaters prefer chili and vinegar. How to eat Balut egg is opened, the broth is inhaled and then eat the yolk and the fetus.

5. Rotten cheese - Sardinia

SARDINIAN cheese cheese is full of insect larvae. "Casu Marzu" means "rotten cheese 'and is most commonly referred to as' cheese maggot'. Cheese is now banned because of health reasons but can still be available on the black market in Sardinia and Italy.

Sheep's milk Pecorino cheese basically, which already has cheese fly larvae, Piophila casei, was introduced to it. Fermentation occurs when the larvae to digest fat cheese, and the texture becomes very soft with some liquid seeping out. Cheese should be eaten when the maggots are still alive because when they die it is considered toxic.

Because the larvae can jump if they are disturbed, the visitor must protect their eyes or put cheese in a closed paper bag until the maggot is a lack of oxygen and die. Health issues arise in connection with Marzu Casu, including reports of allergic reactions and the dangers of consuming these poisonous cheese. There are also some cases that the risk of intestinal larval infection.


Herring caught in the spring when it was just about to lay eggs and fermented in barrels for one to two months before the cans where fermentation continues for a few months. Certain airlines actually serve food cans has been banned during flights, because they consider the high-pressure cans that will potentially open a can berbahaya.Bila a very strong smell like fermented fish will be smelled. Usually eaten with crispy flat bread and boiled potatoes.