Monday, May 10, 2010

Fresh Asparagus Soup

IMG_6226Our asparagus is just starting to produce. I can cut the plump spears until mid-June. After that, I need to let them grow into ferns to replenish the roots for next year. My plot in the floating garden is pretty small, only about 1'X4'. Consequently, I like to use each spear to the max. I cut them carefully with a knife just below the soil level. In the kitchen I wash them and snap off the tough lower stem. They break at the tender point, but a little bit of good asparagus may remain below the split.

IMG_9904I like to make fresh asparagus soup with trimmings from the bottom ends. I cut off very thin slices until I feel resistance on the knife. If there isn't enough asparagus, I cut a few more whole spears into very thin slices. To that I add two slices of onion, half a stalk of celery and a few strips of bell pepper also cut into very small bits. I bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add the veggies.

IMG_9906I cook the veggies on simmer for about an hour and use a wire whisk to mash and blend them together. I like a rustic soup including the bits of veggies. (If you like a smooth soup, you can put it in a blender and strain out the pulp.) Then I cut several whole spears into 3/4 inch pieces to add at the end.

IMG_9908I put 2 tablespoons flour and 1/2 cup milk in a container with a lid. Vigorous shaking blends it well. I add the milk and flour mixture to the cooked veggies and continue cooking it over low heat to thicken. I add another 1/2 cup of cream (or milk if you prefer) and the larger pieces of asparagus. Simmer long enough for the asparagus chunks to soften. Season to taste with salt, pepper and herbs (I like thyme).

IMG_9847This recipe makes enough for two good size servings. I think it tastes so good because I know it came partly from my garden.

Do you have any good soup recipes? I'd love to hear about them. -- Margy