I have recently finished a large (16 x 20 is large for me) acrylic painting of two greyhounds for Greyhound Pets, Inc. in Woodinville, Washington. My relationship with this group goes back to 1993, when I did a series of black and white drawings that I donated to their founder, John Hern, for a brochure they were developing. Like most greyhound groups, they rehome dogs that are retired from racing.
The main drawing I did for them way back when ultimately became their logo, and they still use it today (See it at left). A few months ago Jack Richardson, an executive assistant for the group, contacted me about doing a color version of the drawing. Greyhound Pets, Inc. has grown to the point that they have their own kennel facility, and the painting will hang in their lobby.
Jack is donating the painting to the organization, and plans to make limited edition signed prints to present to major benefactors and board members. Greyhound Pets will also sell smaller prints of the image for fundraising.
I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this project. I volunteered for rescue groups and served on the board of directors for the Humane Society of Seattle King County and Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue when I lived in Seattle. In California I helped found Southern California Labrador Retriever Rescue, and volunteered as a foster home for Southland Collie Rescue. So as you see, rescue is dear to my heart.
The number of homeless greyhounds is incredible. Greyhound Pets will drive to a track hundreds of miles away and bring home dozens of dogs at once. They need medical care and are not trained to be housepets. It’s a big challenge, but the dogs adapt quickly and go on to make wonderful pets, as the thousands of dedicated adopters can tell you.
I hope someday we won’t need greyhound rescue and that racing will be a thing of the past. It may not happen in my lifetime, but one can dream.

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