Sunday, September 26, 2010

France captivated Ecosystem Restoration

Want a better understanding of Indonesia's efforts to prevent deforestation and tackle climate change in the forestry sector, France's Ambassador for Climate Change, Brice Lalonde, visited Hope Rainforest in Jambi, Friday-Monday, 13-16 February. In ecosystem restoration, Brice view directly location of the nursery seedlings, and observation of forest typology Harapan Rainforest, and the ecosystem of the lake at the rear base camp.

According to Lalonde, Indonesia has the potential to become the first country, besides Brazil and the countries in Africa that will receive funds from the scheme Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), as a business handling climate change issues. However, the REDD scheme still requires agreement from many countries. there are some countries that still have not agreed to provide funding through the REDD scheme. However, France and the countries that joined the European Union have agreed to participate and progressive support of REDD to prevent deforestation.

"France supports the efforts to help Indonesia develop a comprehensive REDD scheme. The goal only two, namely, capacity building and provide practical experience and lessons to be drawn from REDD, "said Brice.

During his time at Harapan Rainforest, a former French environment minister is accompanied by a team from the French development agency Agence Française de Développement or (AFD). Consisting of the Country Director AFD Jakarta, Denis Loyer, AFD's Director of Technical Department, Thierry Liabastre, and Forestry Expert, Thierry Liabastre and staff Jambi Forestry Agency, Word Ruswandi. The delegation was accompanied by Managing Director of Bird Indonesian, Agus Budi Utomo.

In Hope Rainforest, there are currently approximately 37 thousand seedlings, among others, meranti, Bulian, marpayang, durian forests, and other tree species. "Seeds are ready to grow crops or overgrown, we have planted on lands that are not productive," said Staff Nursery Harapan Rainforest, Eco Krisna.

After seeing nurseries, Brice in the entourage went bird watching activities, see the restoration demonstration plot, watching the lake ecosystem, and look at artificial nests for hornbills. During Birdwatching is about two hours more, had encountered Srigunting birds, woodpeckers, and cucak kangkok. To help improve the reproduction of hornbills, has placed twenty-made nest in the forest. Artificial nest material was made of zinc, plastic and wooden drums.

Natural regeneration

In addition to artificial nests, at some point locations, according to Agus, also mounted a camera trap. Cameras mounted on the track animals in the forest. Some wildlife species have been recorded, among others, deer, pigs, Napu, doves, and monkeys. Installation of these cameras are part of the Harapan Rainforest research on animal life in the area of ecosystem restoration.

While watching the birds, when the route along the former logging road, Agus explained that there has been a natural regeneration process of natural forest. "The road that we passed earlier this very open. However, after we implement ecosystem restoration condition began to improve and green. Shrubs and plants have lived beginner, before other trees grow larger, "said Agus.

Before leaving base camp Harapan Rainforest, Sunday, February 15, Brice and three colleagues meranti tree planting flowers (Shore leprosula) in ecosystem restoration demonstration plot. The founder of the French Green Party, said that Indonesia had made progress dealing with and preventing the destruction of forests. However, he acknowledged the treatment was not easy, because the area to be monitored and monitored so vast.

The challenge is so great that Brice indicated by quoting the famous poet of France, Chateaubriand. Les forêts prêcêdênt les Hommes. Les Deserts les suivent. Heureusement Harapan Rainforest mentir la va Faire Maxime!. That is, forests exist before humans. Deserts follow humans. But Harapan Rainforest hopefully vice versa.

The next day Brice Lalonde, AFD team, and received the Governor of Jambi Indonesia Bird Zulfifli Nurdin at his official residence. At the meeting, Zulkifli explained his vision of energy and natural resource management in Jambi. The governor also hoped that the Business License-Timber Forest Product Utilization Ecosystem Restoration (IUPHHK-RE) in the Province of dipimpinya immediately issued by the Department of Forestry. Governor accompanied by the Head of the Jambi Forestry, Aquaculture. (Praminto Moehayat / Birds of Indonesia)