Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pileated Woodpecker

When we need to leave our float cabin on Powell Lake and come to the States, we have a condo in Bellingham, Washington. It's handy, close to the border, and where my mother lives. While it isn't as close to nature as our cabin, we do have a creek behind our building. There are lots of trees and bushes for birds and critters. My second floor balcony is like a bird blind that I can use for viewing and photography.

I was sitting on my sofa and heard a strange sound. First, I thought it was my cat crunching his "cookies," but discovered it was coming from outside the window. When I glanced out, I could see small objects flying through the air. As I traced them back to the source, I saw a Pileated Woodpecker chopping the heck out of a dead tree snag. The more he pecked, the more the wood chips flew. I knew it was a Pileated Woodpecker by its large size, black colouring and distinctive red topknot. They are common to our area, but it is the first I've seen.

After he worked for a while, he stuck his head inside a nearby hole. He obviously was gobbling up some ants or insects he had dislodged and sent scurring into his makeshift bowl. Yum!

This was a good example of how you can find nature in your own backyard. Take some time today to see what you can find. -- Margy