Sunday, June 8, 2008

Many Hands Make Work Light(er)

Today was roof "party" day at the Westview Flying Club. About fifteen volunteers from the Flying Club and the Powell River Car Club joined together for a clubhouse re-roofing project. To save a little money from the Club's treasury, we decided to do the removal ourselves. Then next week, a commercial roofer will come in to finish the job.

Dale coordinated the efforts of the crew. While the brave of heart climbed up top to remove the screws and aluminum panels, I assisted below stacking the old roofing on pallets. The Club will recycle everything. It's good for the environment, and it might bring in a little extra cash.

Once the old roof was down, it was time to put up tar paper. To make it easier, the lengths were cut on the ground so they could be lifted to the roof. That was the end of the easy part. A good breeze, especially on the west side, made placement and nailing quite a challenge.

While the roofing crew was working, another group was refurbishing the outside bench. It gets lots of action, especially on warm summer days. Wayne and I felt good about helping our Club today. We don't have much experience, but like being part of the process. -- Margy