Thursday, November 23, 2006

'Quote Of The Week' - Chris Rattue of The New Zealand Herald.

I more often than not dig out my 'quotes of the week' from the garbled nonsense extracted from the mouths of the arrogant, overpaid, tantrum prone, intellectual geniuses that grace 'The Beautiful Game.'
However I had to change allegiances this week, so as to accommodate a cracking quote made by a flamboyant New Zealand rugby journalist (in a NZ newspaper), as he injected some further hostility into this Saturday's 'friendly' international at the Millennium Stadium, where a recently rejuvenated Wales play host to the All Blacks.
As if the fire needed to be stoked any further when only 24 hours before this was printed the Kiwis were accused by fellow Welsh players, both past and present of being the best 'cheats' in the world.

Inhabitants of Southern Hemisphere countries truly believe they were put on this planet to play sport and as a result have a divine right to be considered the best. Without a doubt in some fields they may well be........but don't they go on and on and on about the fact!

I refuse to talk sport with a Wallaby, Kiwi or a Bok in any social environment.....particularly on their territory, like at BBq's in Earl's Court!
BBq's are a definite no no, as they were created by the Aussies naturally!
I also avoid surroundings where copious amounts of wine and beer are likely to be consumed, because the Southern Hemisphere make the best vino and the best lager in the whole wide world, and they can also drink more and drink faster than their British or Irish counterparts......naturally of course.
Enough said:

I hope the outspoken columnist in the New Zealand Herald who mocked Gareth Jenkins’s home side does not end up eating his words!
It reminds me of when I was a lot younger. I'd play poker in a dingy late night bar with pals and a bottle of tequila for company.
You start off cocky and flush and you end up losing and skint.
Then as a forefit you have to drink the last shot in the tequila bottle, yes the one with the worm in it........of course.

According to Chris Rattue of The New Zealand Herald, Wales are not worthy rivals, they are an incompetent laughing stock.

He said:

"If rugby between New Zealand and Wales was a boxing contest, they would have stopped it many rounds ago and revoked the Welsh licence. I hear the cry that now and then Wales get close. Real close. Real, real close. Real, real, real close. And you know what? They still lose.
Let’s face it, Wales are rubbish. They are the village idiots of world rugby. They had a brilliant team 30 years ago. Since then, they have totally stuffed it up and they will stuff it up again this weekend."

I only wish Ireland at Lansdowne Road lay in wait for the Kiwis this weekend.
That would have been the mother of all matches judging by the comprehensive Irish victories over the Springboks and the Wallabies in recent weeks.
Roll on next year's World Cup!