Thursday, August 5, 2010


Usefulness and privileges of swallow birds nest for the people of Indonesia and China, with the assumption that health food intake resulting from natural ingredients that have long be carried out. Based on historical records China, the efficacy of swallow nest efficacy is proven for thousands of years dahulu. swallow Nest becomes exotic and exclusive dining at the king in China.
Swallow nest was identified as a nutritious food for the class of people that are knowledgeable and located. This is becouse swiftlet nests are sold with an expensive price in the market after a certain gred.
This Setakat many studies have been carried out to assess the efficacy, other properties that may be found in this bird's nest.
Swiftlet nests could launch in lung function, relieve coughs, cleanse the blood and restore power after a fever. In addition, he was able to restore the asthma disease, strengthen the power of memory and kecergasan Minda, increase endurance, blood circulation and improve heart strength, and he may be food additives for inhibiting the aging process.
According to studies made by Chinese people in Beijing found that only a skin whitening agent which is very good for eye health.

For people with asthma, is also said to be very best to restore and strengthen the respiratory system of the lungs.
In Indonesia, there is the fact that said swiftlet nests are also able to menguboti cancer and hepatitis B. This is because the swiftlet nests has been proven through the test run makmal nutrien2 womb and salt minerals such as glycoproteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, and vitamin2 more easily absorbed by human body.
The following properties of swiftlet nests:

* Smooth blood flow system.
* Painless respiratory
* Correcting the nervous system
* Improving the system of the kidneys
* Roll, lubricate the face (for men and women particularly pregnant women to babies)
* Eliminate wrinkle wrinkle face (for women and men)
* Refreshing eye
* Asthma (tired)
* Discard the water in the lungs (if you are experiencing pain paru2 watery)
* Able to treat hepatitis B
* Raise the IQ (adults and children)
* Treating chronic cough
* Durability of young (male and female)
* For inner strengt