Hi everyone, Gus here... If you don't already know I am the official Blog Frog and green ambassador for the Sacramento Zoo. My good friends on the Green Team have been working hard since 2003 to educate and encourage green practices among the staff, volunteers and docents at the Zoo.
The Green Team set up recycling programs for everything from paper and bottles to batteries and Styrofoam and hand out green awards to staff. They host bike to work days and encourage staff to take a year-long green pledge to make eco-friendly choices. And that is just the beginning! Take a look at everything they do on the Green Team webpage.
And now to the exciting news - Jiffy Lube is now the proud sponsor of the Green Team! Their support will help the Green Team continue the good work and expand their message to the public with a Zoo map recycling station near the exit. The map station will be designed to collect gently used maps that can be reused. Less maps used, means more trees saved!
Jiffy Lube believes in being “Green” and is a leader in the auto service industry. They recycle over 4 million quarts of used oil and other fluids annually. That’s a lot of oil that is kept out of the storm drains and waterways and as a frog, that’s good news!
Visit Jiffy Lube online to find out more about their recycling practices and to get your free oil change coupons!

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