Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bert's Babies

Last May, I shared how Wayne and I were giving our Barn Swallows a helping hand with their nest building. Older nests have fallen twice, so we gave them a little shelf up under the eves to use as a support.

In June, I shared about how the returning pair immediately set up housekeeping and started a new nest. Last week we saw the heads of two babies. Both Mom and Dad bring tasty bugs back to their fast growing chicks.

We call daddy Bert. He's a slim dude. When he isn't eating and gathering bugs for his babies, he sits nearby and seranades his lovely lady on the nest. I have read that pairs mate for life. I like the thought of Bert and his Lady coming back each year to share their babies with us.

Do you have nesting birds that you like to watch? For us, they provide hours of enjoyment. -- Margy