Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friend Recognition

versatilebloggerawardLast week I had a very nice surprise. Diane, one of my reader friends, included the Powell River Books Blog in the Versatile Blogger Award at her site. Thanks so much Diane.

Diane is a "southern gal" at heart, but now lives on a tree farm in the Oregon mountains. Her blog, Thinking about it ... shares stories about her life on a tree farm, her wonderful family, arts and crafts, cooking, and a favourite of mine, books. To find out a little more about her and to read some of her great stories, please visit her blog.

The guidelines for accepting this award are…

Thank the person who gave it to you.
Tell 7 things about yourself.
Pass the award on to 15 bloggers, whom you have recently discovered, and think are fantastic.

Seven things about Margy…

  1. I was born in "rural" Compton where my grandparents lived on the remnants of a large truck farm where they grew produce to sell at the farmer's market. It's definitely not rural any more
  2. I've always loved horses. I had two in my teens and two just before we left LA.
  3. I became a private pilot in 1981 and fly a Piper Arrow.
  4. I was the Director of Technology for a school district for seven years.
  5. I'm enjoying learning how to become more self reliant.
  6. I became a Canadian permanent resident to live full-time at my float cabin.
  7. I want to write a book about off-grid living.

I would like to pass the Versatile Blogger Award along to some of my newest blogger friends. They each have a different focus and style, so click on the links and take a look.

  1. Gerry's Soap and Stuff
  2. Mandy's The Journey, The Adventure
  3. Catsngrams' My Life and the Rest of the Story
  4. Hay Bale Happiness' Living Simply, is Simply Living
  5. Diane's Day to Day
  6. Stacie's Simply Stacie
  7. Lorie's Gotta Dig It: A Garden Journal
  8. CompostPyle's Cabin in the Woods
  9. Denise's cook. eat. think.
  10. Tracy and Her Crew's Bless Ewe Homestead
  11. Fiesta's Quilting Fiesta
  12. Fran's Bonnie of Clyde
  13. Duane's World ... Behind the Scenes and from the Heart
  14. Tanya's Little Village Naturals
  15. Andrew's Burdr
I hope you enjoy visiting these sites as much as I do. They are all Versatile Blogs for sure. -- Margy