Thursday, June 17, 2010

Barn Swallow Nest Building

IMG_0101On May 22, we gave our resident Barn Swallows a helping hand with their nest building by adding a wooden perch. At the end of the season last year, their nest fell onto the porch roof. Fortunately, the three chicks inside were ready to fly and survived.

IMG_0124This time, with the wood base Wayne provided, the pair has been building a new nest. Off and on all month both the male and female birds have been working, bringing in mud and plant material. But it's finally finished.

IMG_0293The female is starting to lay her eggs. And her mate has been spending a lot of time on the swim ladder singing to her. They are really a loving pair. It's going to be fun to watch the family grow throughout the summer. With a more secure footing for their nest, it hopefully will be a much safer one as well.

Do you have nesting birds to watch? -- Margy