Monday, May 31, 2010

Waterfall Time

Spring is waterfall time up Powell Lake in Coastal BC.

Spring rains combined with warm weather and snow melt cause creeks and streams to flow. They result in beautiful waterfalls, especially towards the steeper cliffs and higher peaks at the head of the lake.

But even down our way we get our share of water displays. This lovely falls is in the Rainbow area, about fifteen minutes north of our cabin.

Want to find out more about what it's like living up the lake in a float cabin? Check out Farther Up the Lake, the newest book in Wayne's Coastal BC Stories series. Go on an overnight boat trip in the Bayliner to the head of Powell Lake. Look for Mountain Goats on the rocky cliffs around Goat Lake. Go on the maiden voyage of the Gemini with Stick the Cat. Ride out a windy winter storm in the float cabin and so many other tales. Go to for more details. -- Margy