Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mitrula elegans (Match-stick Fungus)

I live in a float cabin on Powell Lake in Coastal BC. Each year, a tiny plant appears right at the waterline on one of the cedar float logs.

It grows on the shady side of the cabin, has a white stalk and is topped with a yellow-orange fruiting body. It's only about 6 mm (1/4 inch) tall. It appears in April and is gone when the weather gets warm. This year I also found it growing on what I call my "garden log."

After a bit of searching I found the UBC (University of British Columbia) Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research website. If you like plants in nature or the garden, this is the place for YOU! Unfortunately, due to cutbacks, the forums are no longer maintained. But they still have a wealth of information.

I discovered my mystery plant is Mitrula elegans, match-stick fungus. Here are two links I found for pictures and a detailed description. I just love learning new things about this wonderful place I live in. -- Margy