Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Skateboarding-How to do impossible

What is a impossible?
An impossible is where your board do 1 rotation by rolling your back foot. It's better to make the board flip as vertical as possible as it will look like a 360 shuvit if the board is too lateral.

How to do impossible
  1. Position yourself like an ollie and make sure you get more hangtime with your ollie. It's better to learn how to ollie higher first before learning this.
  2. Pull an ollie and pull your leg towards the nose of the board.
  3. Take your rear foot and move it to the side of the board so it wont hit the board while doing the ollie.
  4. Next, spin your front foot in a circle position. Start from down to top circular position.
  5. Stop your board and place your foot on the board to land.

How to do impossible video