This week for Wednesday Friends Day I would like to introduce Susannah, better known as Wanderin' Weeta.Susannah hails from Delta in the Lower Fraser Valley. That's part of the Coastal British Columbia mainland. Her blog is called Wanderin' Weeta (With Waterfowl and Weeds). It is aptly named because many of her articles and photographs are of plants and bird life, but you will also find a host of other nature based topics mixed in for good measure.
Susannah's profile gives you a hint about her good sense of humour and positive outlook on life. She says that she's "as weird as necessary for sanity, as sane as kids and grandkids permit, and a lover of birds, green stuff, tiny beasties and oddities generally." Every time I visit Susannah's blog I know I'll learn something new and experience this wonderful land through her outstanding photographs.
Here are some favourite posts I'd like to share:
- Five dozen babies (master of the miniature)
- Of Old Growth and New Life (book review & forest info)
- Why do we call it vacant? (takes time to sees what others miss)
- Rock Flipping Day (a fun activity for young and old)
- Two-faced Hermit? (Susannah has unusual pets)
- Self portrait in a cat's eye (great closeup)

Head on over to Wanderin' Weeta for some great photographs and information. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do. -- Margy
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