Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm lagging...


I was planning to write some thoughts on the Olympics last night, but our cable/phonegot turned off for non-payment yet again. Obviously, it's back on now. So I'm kind of lagging. I'm also working on that zine I mentioned a while back. Those of you who responded are the founding members of Club White Bear. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds cool.
I also found out that one of my uncles was working in the World Trade Center until about I think he was working at Oppenheimer Funds, about the 30th floor of Tower 2, I believe. Pretty lucky he got out of there when he did. This happens to be the same uncle that made a phone call or two on behalf of my mom when I was homeless. I don't know who he called or what he told them, but the SoCal law enforcement community spent at least $100,000 of taxpayer's money "encouraging" me to leave Southern California after that. In the course of that "encouragement," I was threatened so many times that it didn't even phase me when a cop pointed a tazer at me for the heinous crime of sleeping at a bus stop one night. I just sat there and stared at the cop. He didn't know what to do. So he figured I wasn't the guy he was looking for.
I'll tell you guys what, if I found out that one or more members of my extended family were involved in the intelligence community in some way, a lot of weird occurrences in my life would suddenly make sense. OK, back to the BMX tomorrow.