Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow in the City

This week I've been in the city. No, not the City of Powell River. I mean the BIG city, Los Angeles. Twice each year I travel south to work for my former school district as a grant writer. It's good for them, I know the district and the grants well. And it's good for me. I get a bit of spending cash.

Wayne and I flew south on Alaska Airlines, hoping for some sun and warmth. But the Arctic front that was freezing BC and the Pacific Northwest followed us. We hate to deny Southern California much needed rain, and snow in the mountains, but why couldn't they schedule it for a different week? Even so, we had a good time including two USC basketball games, a night at the movies, and dinners with old friends like David, and Karl and Lori.

We got back to Bellingham just in time for the first snow storm of the season. We hurried out to the airport this morning to try to fly 997, but we were too late. Just as we pulled her out of the hanger flakes started to fall. It began to stick immediately so back into the hanger she went. This time of year you can't dawdle or you loose. Maybe tomorrow we'll have a short break so we can get up in the air for a short flight. We need it as much as 997. -- Margy