Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wings Over Westview

On Sunday, I posted a video (Wicked Winter Weather) about the dedicated service provided by the ferry crew on the Island Princess. Getting to and from Powell River can be a challenge in November because it's a time for lots of rain and wind. Because Powell River is isolated from the rest of mainland Coastal BC by huge fjords, we are dependent on ferry and airline service for transportation.

Today's My World post is about Pacific Coastal Airlines. This regional airline (that began in Powell River by the way) provides daily flights to and from Vancouver BC in all kinds of weather. Just like the ferries, they sometimes have to cancel during severe storms, but they continue providing a vital link to the outside world whenever it is safe.

The planes used by Pacific Coastal are smaller turbo props well suited to the short strips and weather conditions of our area. They are large enough to accommodate the demand, but small enough to give you the feel of private flying.

Are you coming to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics? Head on over to the South Terminal and catch a flight to Powell River. We have lots of winter activities to entice you. Click here and see. -- Margy