Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 3: Oh What a Mournful Sound

Day 3 was from Halifax to Mira River NS. Not such a bad trip considering the last two days, but it still took us over four hours driving time.

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After our exhausting drive back to the campground (our GPS at first led us to the wrong destination), we turned in right away. It was a good thing we put up our tent before we left. As I was sliding into my sleeping bag, I heard a loon crying in the distance. We were surprised to hear one this far east, but the lake environment is perfect for them. We got a mournful serenade as we tried to drift off to sleep. And just when we were almost successful, we heard another mournful sound. Well, if it had been in the distance it would have been. But since the campground was right next to the railroad tracks it was a bit more loud than mournful.

Our first stop (after breakfast at Tim Horton’s that is) was Don and Marilyn’s house. As I’ve mentioned before, it is a small world. Our good friends Helen and Ed from Powell River were originally from Halifax. Helen’s brother still lives here so we stopped by to say hi and get some pictures for Helen. It’s been quite a few years since they’ve seen each other. Don and Marilyn live on two gorgeous acres northwest of town. Don does all the mowing, but I’m sure Marilyn has a hand in all the beautiful flowers. It was a quick visit, and then we were on our way north to Sydney and another provincial park camping spot.

The drive to Sydney was through green pastures then back to the mixed forest. There are more deciduous trees here than in Powell River. I guess that’s one reason they are so well know for their fall foliage. When we got to Cape Breton we had to cross the Canso Causeway across the narrow stretch of ocean that separates it from the rest of Nova Scotia. Just as we arrived the traffic stopped and the small bridge at the end rotates to allow two sailboats to pass. The canal they used wasn’t large enough for anything larger than a fishing boat. Large commercial boats must have to go all the way around the north end of the island.

Our first stop was for dinner in Louisbourg. It is the site of the historic French Fortress. Wayne found us a restaurant that wasn’t too touristy (The Grubstake) and then we went down to the docks to see the skookum fishing boats. Then it was back to the Mira River Provincial Park to camp for the night. We got a much-needed “bath” swimming in the lake and then were off to bed early. People have been coming here for generations. Here's the famous song "Out on the Mira" telling all about it.

Tomorrow we catch the ferry from North Sydney to Newfoundland so it will be an early start. - Margy