Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sharing dog photos

I have so much fun taking pictures of the dogs that stay with me. As you may know from my other blog, I am a pet sitter and board dogs in my home. I currently have a huge wonderful bullmastiff curled up in the space under my computer desk, head on my feet. A Lab is to my left, another on the couch. Kallie and Tally have been coming to stay with me for years. So here are some of my favorite photos of dogs I care for.

Jet, a beautiful German Shepherd.
Rosie a bloodhound.
The Lab that just won't fit in his bed is Chester.
Annie, an Australian Shepherd.
Vinnie, a Boston Terrier with a big smile.
A tiny trio- Sammie, Millie and Maya.

Enjoy the photos-- I'll post some more another day.

Remember, all photos are © copyright 2009 Terry Albert. Not to be reproduced without permission. Thank you!