Monday, April 13, 2009

Update on Canine Lullabies

In my previous post I told you about Canine Lullabies, a CD with music for dogs. I hoped it would quiet down the gang when they get too riled up or just when I need some peace and quiet. Well, the CD has arrived and I have used it several times, and I am happy with the results. 

At night when I put the two puppies in their crate together, they decided it was time to wrestle and growl. I put the CD on, and they settled down within a minute or two. When the two goldens staying here were too rowdy and wouldn't go to sleep at 2 am the other night, I got up and played it again. Again, everyone settled down and went to sleep. 

I can't swear the music did it, but the dogs certainly relaxed and went to sleep. So I consider my experiment a success! I wonder if the pulsing sound  of a heartbeat helped me go to sleep too. I never heard another peep all night.

Shown above: Izzy (Isabella) and Blaze, poodle mix (6 months old) and chihuahua (3 months old). They live together and sleep together in a crate--and play long and loud all day long!)