Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sickening Carsley Tackle!

There can surely be NO place in our game for the quite nauseating stomach-churning X-rated tackle by Brum skipper Lee Carsley on Wolves and Scotland striker Chris Iwelumo, in their Championship game at St. Andrew's last night. 

Yes, it was a tense passionate affair as with any derby match, with the prize of a place in the Premier League ultimately at stake come the end of the season. Here are the match highlights AND that horrific tackle.

Judge for yourself!

How can anybody in their right mind condone such reckless behaviour and a seemingly total disregard for the welfare of a fellow professional?

Well it seems BOTH managers seem to have done so!
Mick McCarthy and Alex McLeish both jumped to the defence of Lee Carsley.

Wolves boss McCarthy said: "Lee wouldn’t go in to hurt anybody and that's for sure. He's a competitor and I think he's just mistimed it, he's caught him and it's not a very nice tackle. He’s one of the nicest blokes you’ll ever come across in football and not for one minute do I think he's attempted to 'do' Chris.".................so that makes it ok then!!!!!!!!

Whilst Blues manager McLeish said: "I thought he wasn't the favourite to win the ball. Lee's a wholehearted player, committed, he's not a dirty player by any means and all the professionals know that.
But he's high with his studs and when you do that and don't get the ball then 99% of the time it's a red card.
He was upset at half-time. He knows that the player is injured and he cares, he is a guy who cares not only about the cause for Birmingham but he respects his fellow pros."

I'm sure neither manager would be so supportive if the injured player was their son!

It seems that these 'types' of disgusting potential career ending tackles whether they be two-footed, studs up, feet off the ground, knee high, from behind etc.........are unfortunately becoming an all to familiar part of the modern game.

Horror tackles of late that immediately spring to mind include: Taylor on Eduardo, Nolan on Anichebe, Gutherie on Fagan, Neill on Cattermole and Cattermole on Parker.

Granted the game is quicker than ever, players are stronger and fitter, the stakes are higher than ever before and the price of success and familiar is all to apparent.

But what sort of message does this send out to the fans, fellow professionals, amateur players, and worst of all to OUR KIDS!

Bad tackling has become fashionable because players believe they can get away with it or at worst they will only have to serve a 'bog standard' FA punishment for their crime if sent-off - a three game ban, possibly a small fine, but all the time on 'full pay' for the duration of the ban.

How about banning players for six games, ten games, twenty games, fining them £100K for a first offence and another £200K for a second offence if commited in the same season. Make these players do community service, they have effectively 'assaulted' an opponent. Make them stand up in front of the nation and apologise on television. Make them train with their Club's youth/academy teams. Send them to schools to coach kids the dangers and effects of bad tackles, why it is wrong to abuse players, swear at officials or cheat, and instead how to behave and show respect for their fellow players/managers and officials.

Is it really that difficult to reduce thuggery and make players think before they act OR do players nowadays really and truly believe they are above the law!