Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Introducing Mud Creek Mama

In several of my posts I've mentioned my good friend Betty from Bellingham. I met Betty on MySpace. Since then, she's been my blog's most faithful reader. Last June, we met in real life and she's as wonderful in person as she is online. When I'm in Bellingham we like to get together and shop in Fairhaven.

Last week when I came down the lake from the cabin I logged on to see what was happening. One of the first things I discovered was that Betty has started a blog of her own. I am honoured to introduce all of you to my friend Mud Creek Mama.

By the way, in this post you will meet Dot, the aunt of a friend of ours in Powell River. It really is a small world after all. Dot makes quilts, hats and mittens all year long to give to charity. She's an amazing woman that I hope to meet some day.

Welcome to the blogosphere Betty. I look forward to reading your posts and learning more about your interesting life. -- Margy