Saturday, September 27, 2008

Imran hardly meets his girlfriend Avantika now

If there's a contest for the most chilled-out star-in-the-making in Bollywood Imran Khan would probably win hands- down.

Nothing fazes Imran. Not even a road accident.

On Thursday afternoon as he was being driven to the venue of his rehearsals for Abhinay Deo's Delhi Belly, a speeding vehicle bumped hard into his vehicle from behind damaging Imran's car's bumper and scratching the posh paint.

"There was some damage to the car, yes," admitted Imran. "This happened right in front of Tulip Star hotel. Vehicles came to a standstill and we came down from our cars. I was in a hurry to reach my rehearsals. So we exchanged addresses and I'll be taking up the matter with him later."

So did the guy who caused the accident recognize the newest star on the block?

"Nah, he was in too much a hurry and too flustered by what had happened," says the star in a hurry.

Nowadays Imran's schedules are so choc-a-bloc he hardly gets time to meet his girlfriend Avantika. Or read scripts.

"I'm now reduced to doing interviews on cars, in the shower anywhere thanks to the promotion of Kidnap. I'm also being offered ridiculous sums of money to just attend functions, parties and events.

I'm really surprised by the lengths people are willing to go to to get stars into their orbit. I'm offered unheard-of money to simply attend parties have a drink hang around and leave in ten minutes."

But Imran's selfcensorship is acutely developed. That is why he hasn't signed on to endorse any product as yet.

"I just can't identify with any product that I'm asked to endorse. It's not about not doing cigarette and alcohol ads. That of course goes without saying. I won't even endorse clothes or drinks that I don't use.

I recently had a big Delhi garment industry offering me an endorsement. But I don't wear their clothes! How can I ask other people to wear them? I'll endorse the products that I use."

Selfrighteous and embarrassingly honest Imran doesn't deny his rumoured remuneration per film: a whopping Rs 12 crores.

"Like I said the money is not the criteria. It's what I'm comfortable doing. And after Kidnap and Luck, it's only Aamir's Delhi Belly I've said yes to."

Imran desperately needs a holiday. In fact his new best-buddy and mentor Sanjay Dutt invited Imran for a vacation. Imran refused.

"Sanju Dutt has gone on a safari into the jungles of Tanzania and the Congo in Africa. He asked me to come along. But here I am battling publicity interviews, rehearsals and a damaged car. Tough luck."
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