Sunday, August 3, 2008

Root Crops

Each year my floating garden has different stars. This year it's my root crops. I've always planted carrots, but this year they are larger than normal. My beets and onions are doing great as well.

I plant my vegetable seeds directly in the soil at Easter. This is after the last freeze, but the weather is still be rainy and cool. We had a particularly stormy spring, so everything took a long time to get started. But a little patience paid off. This year I think my root crops are better because I really thinned them at the seedling stage. In the past, too many plants struggled for room. Now they all have more personal space, and the result is bigger, more flavourful produce.

This year I planted beets for the first time. The big seeds are easy to sow. When it came time to do the thinning, I was careful and relocated the seedlings to a bare part of the garden. Now I can make lots of fresh pickled beets. They're really easy.

Simple Fresh Pickled Beets

Remove beet tops about one inch above the root.
Thoroughly wash the root, but do not break the skin.
Place beets in a pot and cover with water.
Bring to a boil then reduce to medium for 35-45 minutes.
Rinse in cold water and remove skins (they slip right off).
Use a paper towel to protect your skin from staining.
Slice beets and place in a covered dish.
Pour Marukan Seasoned Rice Vinegar to cover beet slices.
Add about 1 teaspoon sugar and stir.
Refrigerate beets, then enjoy.

You can cook young beet tops much like spinach or use them raw in a salad. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll let you know when I do. -- Margy