Thursday, August 28, 2008

Float Cabin Moving Day

If you've been following my blog, you may remember that our good friend John sold a float cabin this summer. I'm proud to say my blog's add had something to do with that. It goes to show the power of the Internet. When it came time finalize the sale, the cabin had to be moved from one spot to another, and Wayne and I volunteered to help with float cabin moving day. Moving days were more common in the past, but occasionally you'll still see one traveling on the water.

We needed to start early before the summer wind waves made the lake choppy. The first task was to disconnect the cabin from its shore cables. Preparation the night before made this a fairly simple procedure. The next thing was to open the protective log boom in order to take the cabin onto the open lake for transport. John's tin boat was perfect for that task.

We used our Campion for towing. John drove the boat (with the tin boat trailing behind) while John's mom and dad rode with me on the cabin. Moving day is a family event. For long tows, you will find people riding on the deck, maybe having a BBQ or picnic along the way. Our tow was a short one, so we just relaxed in the sun to warm ourselves on this chilly morning ride. The new owners even came alongside to see the action.

Once we arrived at the new location, everything went in reverse. Wayne used the Campion to push the cabin back into its new spot. John used the tin boat to temporarily tie it with heavy rope to the anchor points he drove into the rocks the previous day. Steel cables would replace the rope the following day. The last task was to close the protective boom. Moving day complete.

Now John has the room (and funds) to build his new cabin at the old site. Because of the moratorium on cabins and sites on the lake, this sale and move was necessary to make space for the new cabin. As construction moves forward, I'll share with you how a float cabin is created. - Margy