Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More about exercise

Exercise for dogs seems to be a hot topic these days: this link is an article by pet columnist Steve Dale, who writes: 

"If after 35 years of training dogs Carol Lea Benjamin had to sum it all up, narrowing all of her collective wisdom into one tip, this is it: "Dogs need exercise, outside, every single day, rain or shine. That's actually tip No. 3 in Benjamin's latest book, "See Spot Sit: 101 Illustrated Tips for Training the Dog You Love" (Skyhorse Publishing, New York, NY, 2008; $12.95). "It's extremely rare to find a dog having a behavior problem who is getting enough exercise," she notes."

Carol Lea Benjamin was an associate and good friend of Job Michael Evans. It appears dog trainers are returning to our roots, and everything old is new again. Quoting a popular TV show: Not that there's anything wrong with that.