Sunday, July 27, 2008

Doggie look-alikes

The photo on the left is my Desi, a wirehaired dachshund in need of a haircut. His picture recently appeared on the cover of the DWAA newsletter (Dog Writers Association of America). 

Another DWAA member, Deborah Shildkraut, just emailed me this photo of her dog, Bella, a 16 year old dachshund mix, who looks suspiciously like Desi. TWINS! Deborah volunteers for the Greyhound Adoption Service in Salisbury MA. 

When I adopted Desi, I had never seen a wirehaired cream colored doxie. I guess they are fairly common. When they need a haircut, you can't even tell what breed they are. Millie (at left), often stays with me, and her owners like her longer wiry coat. She is a mini, and is so tiny and cute! And very, VERY opinionated.