Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dateline: Arkansas: Shelter dogs released into forest to starve

This story disgusts me... let's turn the mayor out into the forest and see how long he survives.  

It was only 10 dogs (3 more were euthanized), which a rescue group could have handled if they were given time to react to the emergency. 

Ark. city releases shelter dogs into forest


Mayor James Valley ordered the dogs to be taken to an area called Storm Creek, part of the national forest. There is a small group of concerned citizens in Helena who keep an eye on the municipal dog facility. Dogs are kept in pens as part of the city sanitation dept. under filthy deplorable conditions. They were ordered to improve conditions, such as feed clean and water daily. Separate aggressive dogs, etc. That had not been done so the mayor ordered the sanitation workers to dump the dogs.


A group of concerned citizens pleaded with the mayor not to take this drastic action. They said give us a few hours to make alternate arrangements. He ignored them.


Some of the dogs were rounded up. Others were shot and killed by locals. Others are still missing. Some of the dogs are sick. Obviously others are scared and hungry.


The reporter said the mayor has stonewalled issues regarding the dog shelter. He refuses to put items on the agenda so that city council members aren't informed. Money isn't an issue either. There's half a million dollar reserve fund available to make improvements that he;wont allocate for the dogs. Cats weren't mentioned at all. I surmise they don't count at all.


The paper, the Daily World, already covered the story (the title above is a link to the story), and plans a follow up.


If anyone is interested in protesting this action, please call Mayor James Valley at: 870-572-3421, cell 870-817-4035.


Letters to the editor can be sent to: Randy Hogan at: editorial@helena-arkansas.com