Thursday, November 15, 2007

Watch The Clip Of Last Saturday's Superb Sky Sports Soccer AM Soccerettee 'Mhairi'

Last Saturday morning for the first time in several weeks I allowed myself some 'me' time before I left for footy, and I took the opportunity to watch Sky's Soccer AM. I have to say this week's show was particularly first-rate!

I have in the past attached clips to my blog of Soccer Am Soccerette's strutting their stuff, to allow for a prescription dose of morning hormonal male drooling.

This week's soccerette segment was one of the better ones, true slapstick comedy and the salient ingredient was of course Mhairi, a gorgeous 21 year old sassy Scottish lass, resplendently leggy and wearing a skimpy pair of buttock hugging shorts to accentuate her virtuoso pins!
For the record she works in recruitment and supports her local team, Hamilton Academicals.
Mhairi is in fact the first Scottish babe to appear on the show this season.

The banter during this part of the show was priceless - the emphasis unsurprisingly one of a Scottish flavour, with a 'Braveheart' slant of sorts.

I thought it was highly amusing and without a shadow of doubt justifiably worthy of of a place on my blog. It turned out to be compulsive viewing.

For those who saw it first time around, you know it's worth another look, and for those who missed it for whatever reason, I have it here just for you!

I have not published a clip of a Soccer AM Soccerette on my site for nearly six weeks so take five minutes out, put your feet up and and see the enchantingly divine Mhairi in this comic spectacle!

To watch it just click on the 'Link' below.
